Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The bar has been set. Absolute perfect Twitter marketing.

If you have the race between Ashton Kutcher (@ Aplusk) and CNN (@ Cnnbrk) to 1,000,000 followers on Twitter is you must have in the last week was camping. Ashton was on Oprah (@ Oprah) and got send your first tweet - how you can ignore that?

While millions of people still don't get this is a BIG deal. This has nothing to do with Ashton itself. You have not a fan of his work to be. It involves a major change in the control that takes place. Ashton will definitely, he declared shipment victory in his live last night.

"The old guard passed and the neue Wache is here.." We can and we create our actors can and our media broadcast. We can be and our own media censor us. We are over a million.

It was a decisive moment for media and buzz and recoveries have already begun.

We are big fans of Twitter. Watching Ashton last night life was more exciting than just the countdown to 2000. But, like my wife likes to point out not everyone thinks it a big deal. That's where Mr. of Kutcher's ingenious marketing thrown head. He knew that there must be a way that he could use the attention of the media got the race. What could save millions of lives - Ernst originally as a joke at the end began.

This little video produced David against Goliath challenge the us on the edge of our seats were. Ashton leveraged brilliant attention to something to support him - ending malaria is obviously important. He committed a donation of 10,000 nets to protect people from disease and started the ball rolling. Already, many profiles people have matched or exceeded Ashton's donation. Oprah committed matched 20,000, CNN with 10,000, and it was just a few hours.

It is safe to say that the Organization Ashton is supporting malarianomore.org, see more visitors and donations than ever before. The charity acted quickly to get the attention. Note that most would come your traffic as a result of the Twitter messages, your site has prominent tie-in, Ashton and Twitter, you make it easy to follow and donations and even promote auto twitter profile backgrounds to help spread your message.


As marketers must learn to appreciate it on so many levels. Here we much about 'Harnessing the power of Twitter' talk at Tweamr Be a better example might be? Congratulations Ashton on a job very well done.

View the original article here

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